The Building Project

Proposed ECAQ Worship Center

In November 2023, the government of Qatar had given ECAQ an 18,720 sq. meters of land to build its Worship Centre, with the explicit instruction to obtain the necessary building permit within 2 years period and for the project to be completed within 3 years.

The budget for the project will be sourced internally within the member churches and ministry partners / donors globally.

ECAQ hired a Design Consultant in January 2024, to design, obtain approvals from government agencies, prepare tender documents and assist ECAQ in the evaluation of tender bids and  awarding of the project. Consequently, ECAQ will hire a Consultant to oversee and manage the project once the approval for DC1 is secured, significant progress is anticipated.

With the theme “Building a Monumental Legacy Together In the Middle East For His Glory”, we fervently and earnestly pray and hope that through the financial and prayerful support of WEA, MENA, and other ministry organizations, as well as Christian individuals and philanthropists (both locally and globally) collaborating with ECAQ, this project will come to fruition.

The completion of this project will act as a catalyst in advancing WEA’s vision for the future of the Gospel, serving as a launching pad for the empowerment of churches in evangelism and discipleship.


Updated Perspective Views

Join us in prayer and faith in action in building a place where all believers of Jesus Christ converge

In one place, one heart, one spirit, one mind and in one Great Commission. Standing, seating, kneeling, or prostrate before God in worship, raising voices to praise the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. One place to hear the Word that gives life and sets captives free. A home where we fellowship with the brethren, a place we call the House of God.

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